Structure Series

Structure: the relationship or organization of the component parts of a work of art or literature

In this work, I give form to what I consider both masculine and feminine elements. I free my mind from which the original idea originates and work with a variety of materials and techniques to take advantage of the accidents as they happen until there is an integrated but unexpected outcome of that idea. I want the viewer to move with the line, be seduced by the color and curious enough to want to look again.  Since the work is focused on line and somewhat unrelated elements, I want it to blend with a controlled, but seamless structure. I enjoy, when I can, repurposing pieces of clothing, older paintings, and collages into the work as a kind of unexpected surprise. Some part of each work inspires my next, which begins a new starting point.

All paintings below are 36 x 36 inches, mixed media on canvas

Beatricia Sagar 2020